阅读理解(RC)是从给定的段落或一组段落回答问题的任务。在多个段落的情况下,任务是找到问题的最佳答案。最近在自然语言处理领域(NLP)的试验和实验证明,机器可以提供不仅可以在文章中处理文本的能力,并了解其含义来回答该段落的问题,而且可以超越在许多数据集中的人类性能,例如Standford的问题应答数据集(班德)。本文在过去几十年中提出了对自然语言处理的阅读理解及其演变的研究。我们还应研究单一文件阅读理解的任务如何作为我们的多文件阅读理解系统的构建块。在本文的后半部分中,我们将研究最近提出的多文件阅读理解模型 - Re3Q,由读者,检索器和基于RA-Ranker的网络组成,以获取最佳答案给定的一组段落。
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使用诸如BERT,ELMO和FLAIR等模型建模上下文信息的成立具有显着改善了文字的表示学习。它还给出了几乎每个NLP任务机器翻译,文本摘要和命名实体识别的Sota结果,以命名为少。在这项工作中,除了使用这些主导的上下文感知的表示之外,我们还提出了一种用于命名实体识别(NER)的知识意识表示学习(KARL)网络。我们讨论了利用现有方法在纳入世界知识方面的挑战,并展示了如何利用我们所提出的方法来克服这些挑战。 KARL基于变压器编码器,该变压器编码器利用表示为事实三元组的大知识库,将它们转换为图形上下文,并提取驻留在内部的基本实体信息以生成用于特征增强的上下文化三联表示。实验结果表明,使用卡尔的增强可以大大提升我们的内部系统的性能,并在三个公共网络数据集中的文献中的现有方法,即Conll 2003,Conll ++和Ontonotes V5实现了比文献中现有方法的显着更好的结果。我们还观察到更好的概括和应用于从Karl上看不见的实体的真实环境。
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Deep learning models are being increasingly applied to imbalanced data in high stakes fields such as medicine, autonomous driving, and intelligence analysis. Imbalanced data compounds the black-box nature of deep networks because the relationships between classes may be highly skewed and unclear. This can reduce trust by model users and hamper the progress of developers of imbalanced learning algorithms. Existing methods that investigate imbalanced data complexity are geared toward binary classification, shallow learning models and low dimensional data. In addition, current eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques mainly focus on converting opaque deep learning models into simpler models (e.g., decision trees) or mapping predictions for specific instances to inputs, instead of examining global data properties and complexities. Therefore, there is a need for a framework that is tailored to modern deep networks, that incorporates large, high dimensional, multi-class datasets, and uncovers data complexities commonly found in imbalanced data (e.g., class overlap, sub-concepts, and outlier instances). We propose a set of techniques that can be used by both deep learning model users to identify, visualize and understand class prototypes, sub-concepts and outlier instances; and by imbalanced learning algorithm developers to detect features and class exemplars that are key to model performance. Our framework also identifies instances that reside on the border of class decision boundaries, which can carry highly discriminative information. Unlike many existing XAI techniques which map model decisions to gray-scale pixel locations, we use saliency through back-propagation to identify and aggregate image color bands across entire classes. Our framework is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/dd1github/XAI_for_Imbalanced_Learning}
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Business processes that involve AI-powered automation have been gaining importance and market share in recent years. These business processes combine the characteristics of classical business process management, goal-driven chatbots, conversational recommendation systems, and robotic process automation. In the new context, prescriptive process monitoring demands innovative approaches. Unfortunately, data logs from these new processes are still not available in the public domain. We describe the main challenges in this new domain and introduce a synthesized dataset that is based on an actual use case of intelligent process automation with chatbot orchestration. Using this dataset, we demonstrate crowd-wisdom and goal-driven approaches to prescriptive process monitoring.
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We can protect user data privacy via many approaches, such as statistical transformation or generative models. However, each of them has critical drawbacks. On the one hand, creating a transformed data set using conventional techniques is highly time-consuming. On the other hand, in addition to long training phases, recent deep learning-based solutions require significant computational resources. In this paper, we propose PrivateSMOTE, a technique designed for competitive effectiveness in protecting cases at maximum risk of re-identification while requiring much less time and computational resources. It works by synthetic data generation via interpolation to obfuscate high-risk cases while minimizing data utility loss of the original data. Compared to multiple conventional and state-of-the-art privacy-preservation methods on 20 data sets, PrivateSMOTE demonstrates competitive results in re-identification risk. Also, it presents similar or higher predictive performance than the baselines, including generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders, reducing their energy consumption and time requirements by a minimum factor of 9 and 12, respectively.
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Adversarial training has been empirically shown to be more prone to overfitting than standard training. The exact underlying reasons still need to be fully understood. In this paper, we identify one cause of overfitting related to current practices of generating adversarial samples from misclassified samples. To address this, we propose an alternative approach that leverages the misclassified samples to mitigate the overfitting problem. We show that our approach achieves better generalization while having comparable robustness to state-of-the-art adversarial training methods on a wide range of computer vision, natural language processing, and tabular tasks.
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Link prediction is a crucial problem in graph-structured data. Due to the recent success of graph neural networks (GNNs), a variety of GNN-based models were proposed to tackle the link prediction task. Specifically, GNNs leverage the message passing paradigm to obtain node representation, which relies on link connectivity. However, in a link prediction task, links in the training set are always present while ones in the testing set are not yet formed, resulting in a discrepancy of the connectivity pattern and bias of the learned representation. It leads to a problem of dataset shift which degrades the model performance. In this paper, we first identify the dataset shift problem in the link prediction task and provide theoretical analyses on how existing link prediction methods are vulnerable to it. We then propose FakeEdge, a model-agnostic technique, to address the problem by mitigating the graph topological gap between training and testing sets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the applicability and superiority of FakeEdge on multiple datasets across various domains.
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We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for modern Hebrew, termed AlephBERTGimmel, which employs a much larger vocabulary (128K items) than standard Hebrew PLMs before. We perform a contrastive analysis of this model against all previous Hebrew PLMs (mBERT, heBERT, AlephBERT) and assess the effects of larger vocabularies on task performance. Our experiments show that larger vocabularies lead to fewer splits, and that reducing splits is better for model performance, across different tasks. All in all this new model achieves new SOTA on all available Hebrew benchmarks, including Morphological Segmentation, POS Tagging, Full Morphological Analysis, NER, and Sentiment Analysis. Subsequently we advocate for PLMs that are larger not only in terms of number of layers or training data, but also in terms of their vocabulary. We release the new model publicly for unrestricted use.
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Adversarial training is widely acknowledged as the most effective defense against adversarial attacks. However, it is also well established that achieving both robustness and generalization in adversarially trained models involves a trade-off. The goal of this work is to provide an in depth comparison of different approaches for adversarial training in language models. Specifically, we study the effect of pre-training data augmentation as well as training time input perturbations vs. embedding space perturbations on the robustness and generalization of BERT-like language models. Our findings suggest that better robustness can be achieved by pre-training data augmentation or by training with input space perturbation. However, training with embedding space perturbation significantly improves generalization. A linguistic correlation analysis of neurons of the learned models reveal that the improved generalization is due to `more specialized' neurons. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to carry out a deep qualitative analysis of different methods of generating adversarial examples in adversarial training of language models.
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